
Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Glow-in-the-Dark GLOW Environmental Health Center
Glow-in-the-Dark Ebay Sale from petr0112
Glow-in-the-Dark GLOW_EHC on Amazon.com

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Find the missing members in the following sequences

Find the missing members in the following sequences
    1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9   
 1   2   3   4                
 a   b   c   d                
 2   4   6   8                
 Mo   Tu   We   Th                
 1   4   9   16                
  к   о   ж   з    г      
 一   二   三   四                
 1   2   3   5   8             
  0   0   0   1   0   1   0   2    
  1   8   27    
  J   F   M   A                
  1   2 3  5    7   11   13   17   
  1   10   11   100                
 |   /   -   \                
 I   II   III   IV                
 o   t   t   f                
 α   β   γ   δ                
  r   o   y   g    b      
 1    2    4    8                
  о   д   т   ч                
   c    u      d           c    s    s   o
  1   2   10   11                
  .   ..   ...   ....  ___            
 k   M   G   T                  
 5   15     25   35                 
   O    B      A    F   G      M    L 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Scientific Visualization

Scientific Visualization

Scientific visualisation, scientific visualization, Informationsvisualisierung, Visualisation d'informations, Information visualization, Візуалізація інформації, Visualização de Informação, Datavisualisatie, Visualización científica, Визуализация данных, data visualization, information graphics, information visualization, exploratory data analysis, statistical graphics, virtual reality

Snow Storm January 3-4, 2014

Snow Storm January 3-4, 2014

Haircut, стрижка, cortedepelo, Haarschnitt, coupedecheveux, tagliodicapelli, ścięciewłosów, saçkesimi, κούρεμα, قصةشعر, 理发, 理髮, 헤어스타일, hairdo, headdress, updo, upsweep, combout, hairstyle, hair, style, comb, out, coif, barnet, mop, biffo, head, coiffure

Roma's Barber Shop: 212-307-1840

1627 Broadway New York, NY 10019
(212) 307-1840

American Style Barber Shop: 212-307-1840

From Drinking Games

American Style Barber Shop: 212-307-1840

The 10 Most Iconic Hairstyles

Barber Shop - Hair Salon

Friday, December 19, 2014

General Physics

Science Photos

Blog: Algebra Based General Physics II
Google+ Community
Website: General Physics II
Google+ Community

City College

City College

3D printed legs help disabled dog run for the first time

 By now, the heartwarming video of Derby the dog running for the first time in his life thanks to 3D-printed prosthetic legs has officially gone viral. But Derby, a rescue dog who was born with disabled and deformed front legs, isn't the only one excited about his fancy new limbs. While 3D printers have been used to make replacement limbs for humans, Derby is the first animal to be successfully outfitted with 3D-printed prosthetics. His ability to run marks a huge step forward for the small but remarkable field of animal prosthetics.
Derrick Campana — who helped create Derby's new legs with designers at the 3D printing company 3D Systems — has been a trailblazer in that field for the past decade.
A certified orthotist, specializing in the creation and use of corrective braces and artificial limbs, Campana had worked only with human patients until about 10 years ago. But when a veterinarian brought a dog in need of a prosthesis to the facility where Campana was working, he discovered he could apply the same technology that he'd mastered on people to help animals. He also soon learned there was a market for animal prosthetics and orthotics that hadn't really been tapped. So Campana founded Animal Ortho Care in Chantilly, Va., one of the first companies to make orthotics and prosthetics specifically for animals. Today, Campana told Yahoo News, Animal Ortho Care is one of five such companies in the world, seeing between 200 and 300 animal patients each month.
A few months ago, Derby became one of those patients. Tara Anderson, an employee at the South Carolina-based 3D Systems, had been fostering the disabled dog, and after a failed attempt to help him walk with a cart, she enlisted a couple of her colleagues to help make Derby some prosthetic legs. Accessing 3D printing technology was no problem, but none of them were experts in prosthetics. That's where Campana came in.
"We were really interested in the case because we always wanted to incorporate 3D printing into our business," he said. Though 3D printing technology has been available for a while, he explained, some of the materials and tools that work for making human prosthetics aren't totally compatible with animals. For example, the technology used to easily scan a person's leg is not as accurate when scanning a leg covered in fur. For Derby, Campana said he molded a fiberglass cast and scanned that into the 3D printing system.
"In the future, hopefully we can just scan the leg directly," he said.
While 3D printing technology is bound to see furry-friendly advancements in its future, creating the perfect prosthetic is only half the battle when the patient is an animal.
"We can make a perfectly well-fitted device, but from there it takes the whole team — the veterinarian, physical therapist, the owners — to teach the dog how to use it," Campana said.
Not every dog is a good candidate for a prosthetic. Some have been holding up their injured or missing leg for so long that retraining them to step down is very difficult.
"Derby was a hard case, but he was a good candidate because he really wanted to use his legs," Campana said, explaining that even though he didn't have paws, Derby still attempted to use his small forearms to get around, despite not getting very far.
"When any patient comes in here using his stump, bringing it down, that really increases the chances of success," he said.
Campana said he's already been in talks with 3D Systems about further collaborations. As for Derby, Campana hasn't seen the dog since he started using his prosthetic legs, but, like nearly 3 million others, he has seen Derby's video.
"He's running great," Campana said. "We're really excited."

Monday, December 15, 2014

Walk around the city in rainy weather

Walk around the city in rainy weather

Haircuts for 2014

Haircuts for 2014

1627 Broadway - Haircuts for 2014 - Phone: 212-307-1840

1627 Broadway, New York, NY 10019, USA

Haircut, стрижка, cortedepelo, Haarschnitt, coupedecheveux, tagliodicapelli, ścięciewłosów, saçkesimi, κούρεμα, قصةشعر, 理发, 理髮, 헤어스타일

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Broadway Men's Hairstyles NYC

From 1627 Broadway 10019 - Men's Hairstyles NYC - 212-307-1840

1627 Broadway 10019 - Men's Hairstyles NYC - 212-307-1840

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Albert Ryder added you to his circles and invited you to join Google+.
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Broadway Men's Hairstyles NYC: 212-307-1840

From 1627 Broadway 10019 - Men's Hairstyles NYC - 212-307-1840

1627 Broadway 10019 - Men's Hairstyles NYC - 212-307-1840

Shoe Shine NY 10019

From Shoe Shine NY 10019

Shoe Shine NY 10019

New York State Rush Road Test

New York State Rush Road Test

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Most Breathtaking Science Photos

Most Breathtaking Science Photos

NYC Hairstyles 2014 - Phone: 212-307-1840

210 W 50th St 10019 - NYC Hairstyles 2014 - Phone: 212-307-1840

Haircut Midtown West New York 10019

Haircut Midtown West New York 10019, Phone: 212-307-1840

Shave : 212-307-1840

From Shave Midtown West New York 10019, Phone: 212-307-1840

Barber Shop Midtown West New York 10019

Barber Shop Midtown West New York 10019, Phone: 212-307-1840

Central Park Pictures

Central Park Pictures

Times Square

Times Square

NYC Streets Covered by Snow

NYC Streets Covered by Snow

Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum

Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum

Broadway, Manhattan - Classic Hairstyles

1627 Broadway, Manhattan - Classic Hairstyles: 212-307-1840

Hey Pretty Women Community

Cover Photo
Hey Pretty Women

Hey Pretty Women


Reach a new milestone
Promote Pa

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Scientific Visualization

Scientific Visualization

Scientific visualisation, scientific visualization, Informationsvisualisierung, Visualisation d'informations, Information visualization, Візуалізація інформації, Visualização de Informação, Datavisualisatie, Visualización científica, Визуализация данных, data visualization, information graphics, information visualization, exploratory data analysis, statistical graphics, virtual reality

Scientific visualization (also spelled scientific visualisation) is an interdisciplinary branch of science.
According to Friendly (2008), it is "primarily concerned with the visualization of three-dimensional phenomena (architectural, meteorological, medical, biological, etc.), where the emphasis is on realistic renderings of volumes, surfaces, illumination sources, and so forth, perhaps with a dynamic (time) component".
It is also considered a branch of computer science that is a subset of computer graphics.
The purpose of scientific visualization is to graphically illustrate scientific data to enable scientists to understand, illustrate, and glean insight from their data.



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Shoe Shine NYC: 212-307-1840

Shoe Shine NYC

New York Barber Shop: 212-307-1840

New York BarberShop
(212) 307-1840

Hair Stylist NYC

1627 Broadway 10019 - Hair Stylist NYC: 212-307-1840

Hair Stylist NYC

Petersburg in the rain

Петербург под дождем

10 атмосферных фотографий Петербурга в дождь.

10 атмосферных фотографий Петербурга в дождь.

Талантливый фотограф из Санкт-Петербурга делает романтические снимки городских улиц. На его изображениях идет дождь – насыщенные краски и размытые силуэты людей создают удивительно камерную атмосферу, которой хочется любоваться бесконечно. Многие работы дорабатываются акриловыми красками, за счет чего приобретают еще большую графичность.

Ни намека на серость, холод и пронизывающий ветер – перед зрителем предстает уютная картина залитых дождем улиц. Это то самое ощущение, когда смотришь на осенний пейзаж, сидя у окна с чашкой горячего чая. Все любители осени непременно проникнутся очарованием этих фотографий.
Санкт-Петербург под дождем.

Санкт-Петербург под дождем.

Необычные снимки Санкт-Петербурга, дополненные красками.

Необычные снимки Санкт-Петербурга, дополненные красками.

Атмосферные фотографии Петербурга от Эдуарда Гордеева.

Атмосферные фотографии Петербурга от Эдуарда Гордеева.

Фотографии осеннего Петербурга.

Фотографии осеннего Петербурга.

Городской пейзаж в дождь.

Городской пейзаж в дождь.

Осенний Петербург, в который можно влюбиться.

Осенний Петербург, в который можно влюбиться.

Фотографии Санкт-Петербурга от Эдуарда Гордеева.

Фотографии Санкт-Петербурга от Эдуарда Гордеева.

Романтичные фотографии Санкт-Петербурга.

Романтичные фотографии Санкт-Петербурга.

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